Forest not only become place to life but also use full as the watter penetrate area, to support that forest must have many kinds of trees that have high penetrate power, like pine, or many kinds of sandal wood, but like we know many kinds of trees which being tool as water penetrate have been destroyed by people hand who not responsibility so many forest cant say as water penetrate area again. Especially in Indonesia, forest have been destroyed because illegal logging, impact of the illegal logging make stock of trees decrease so capacity of water decrease, land become dry, animal extinction, and cause many type of nature disaster, like land slide, flood and etc. all of that impact, causes the big damaged for our life,, we can say in forest have been destroyed, we and other life creature will destroy too from the earth, because forest which destroyed cant supply water again to our life, because water is very important to life
To return forest like the beginning, to make the life creature destroyed doesn’t happen, change all type of forest damage like empty land because feeling of trees or fires forest, into the beginning condition, with doing replanting program, and to return forest forest damage because land slide, can doing by let the land until become natural forest or plant the land with type of trees that easy to grow or life.
So all of life balancing save very well so nothing creature that become sacrifice by neglect. Save forest from destroyed, and who save all of that are we nothing else.
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